The task: To devise and deliver a regional news media, national beer consumer media and national retails trade launch strategy for new online real and craft ale retailer in September 2012.

The approach: A well-written business story together with high impact photography delivered excellent position within print and online media, maximising the use of the story and assisting with viral spread. Appeal advised on the use of Facebook, Twitter and Google+ in order to amplify the spread of the news online and attract hundreds of social media followers, opening these channels as valuable ‘no cost’ future marketing devices.

Results to date: From a standing start the site received over 20 high quality articles in print and online media as well as numerous interview and review opportunities with radio and magazines in less than a week. The initial launch attracted coverage by several key regional newspapers, articles on specialist beer websites and magazines nationally, and generated interest from a number of the UK’s leading retail and beer journalists. The activity doubled the number of results for the firm’s URL from 1,800 to over 2,200 in just three days, and generated over 30 back links in articles (from Page Rank 4+ websites) on key search terms establishing page 1 Google search results for a number of search terms.